An opportune moment to promote your referral program is immediately after a customer makes a purchase on your site. They’re The customer is present, you’ve got their attention, and they’re excited about their new purchase, so it’s an ideal instance for time to prompt them to share some of that positivity with their friends. [This works especially well with experiential products, event tickets and registrations.]
This moment is often referred to as post-purchase, and in addition to being a great opportunity to present the widget, it also allows the widget to gather your customers' order information and track transactional conversions. This information can be used for tracking influencer goals as well as a means of rewarding them later on in the form of a refund on their original purchase.
Depending on what service you’re installing ICS on, the process to get the widget on the order confirmation page might be a bit different. Here are some instructions for the most common ones:
Shopify Order Status Page