Small details can make a big difference in your campaign performance, elements like timing, placement and presentation are essential considerations to get the most out of your referral campaign. Luckily the ICS integration script offers a host of customizations to fit a wide variety of configurations to suit your campaign strategy.
For the moment, customizations are applied at the script level and will require a few manual adjustments to the JavaScript snippet to apply. While this may sound intimidating, in all but the most advanced usages, applying customizations simply involve copying and pasting a line, or swapping out a single value, but we’re here to guide you through it!
While many of these options are laid out briefly in the Anatomy of the Integration Script article, the following pages will explore these options more contextually, how they might be relevant to your campaign, as well as how to apply them.
These customizations come in a few main categories:
Customizing Widget Behavior
Customizing the widget behavior allows you to control key aspects of presentation, placement and launch options of the widget. With these options you can adjust how, when and where and widget is deployed.
Common behavior customizations include items like:
Presenting the widget as a callout or a modal
Hiding or showing the FAB (Floating Action Button)
Adding a delay to the widget
Customizing Widget Appearance
You can customize the widget’s appearance quicky by adjusting a few basic color settings, or for a more advanced approach, completely retheme it by including your own CSS styles to be applied to .
Commonly used appearance changes include:
Applying your brand’s color palette
Changing border radius value
Applying custom CSS styles to specific elements
Customizing Widget Data
In addition to being a powerful referral tool, ICS is also useful for collecting data from prospective customers. Configuring and customizing the data collected from the script is an important step to bolstering your database and analytics.
Commonly used options here include:
Collection of customer personal information
Mapping dynamic variables
The ICS integration script comes in the form of a JavaScript code snippet and is used to integrate ICS widgets and referral tools on merchant sites. This script acts as a gateway to a host of customization options
used to integrate ICS widgets and referral tools on merchants sites can be adjusted to suit a variety of configurations and scenarios. Small details can make a big difference in your campaigns performance, things like timing, placement and…presentationm.. Modifying the script lets you control and tweak these aspects to achieve SUCCESS.
This Reference guide will explore these options, how they might be relevant to you and, how to apply them.
deep customization to fit the client’s needs.
Most changes of the script only take a few rounds of copy and paste. This reference aims to explore an ever growing list of these options and how you can utilize them.
Communicates many options to our JSS SDK which serves up a