To get started setting up an ICS campaign in Shopify, you’ll first need to add some code to your Shopify’s store theme.
Login to your Shopify store, and click the Storefront under the SALES CHANNEL menu section. It’ll expand to show more options, select the subsection called Themes from among these.
<script> window.onIcsLoaded = function() { {% for block in section.blocks %} ICS.init({ version: '{{ section.settings.ics_version }}', publicKey: '{{ section.settings.ics_public_key }}', campaignId: {{ block.settings.ics_campaign_id }}, data: { {% if customer %} accountId: '{{}}', email: '{{}}', name: '{{customer.first_name}} {{customer.last_name}}', phoneNumber: '{{}}', {% endif %} }, variables: { productName: '{{ block.settings.ics_product_name }}', }, theme: { colors: { accent: '{{ section.settings.ics_accent_color}}', brand: '{{ section.settings.ics_brand_color}}', ambient: '{{ section.settings.ics_ambient_color}}', ambientLight: '{{ section.settings.ics_ambient_light_color }}' }, borders: { radius: { default: '{{ section.settings.ics_border_radius }}' } } }, behavior: { type: 'referral', flavor: '{{ section.settings.ics_flavor }}', openByDefault: {{ section.settings.ics_open_by_default }}, delay: {{ section.settings.ics_delay }}, trigger: { hide: {{ section.settings.ics_hide_trigger}}, } } }); window.ics && ics('participation', { identifier: 'test_1_1_'+, // the following items are optional getOrCreateInfluencer: false, trackByInvite: false, }); {% endfor %} }; </script> <script async defer crossorigin="anonymous" src="" /> {% schema %} { "name": "My ICS Campaign", "class": "ICS_integration", "settings": [ { "id": "title", "type": "text", "label": "Label", "info": { "en": "Label this section so you can identify it easier." }, "default": "My ICS Campaign" }, { "id": "ics_public_key", "type": "text", "label": "ICS Public Key" }, { "type": "select", "id": "ics_version", "options": [ { "value": "v1", "label": "V1" }, { "value": "latest", "label": "Latest" } ], "default": "latest", "label": { "en": "ICS Version" } }, { "type": "select", "id": "ics_flavor", "options": [ { "value": "callout", "label": "Callout" }, { "value": "modal", "label": "Modal" } ], "default": "callout", "label": { "en": "Flavor" } }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "ics_open_by_default", "default": false, "label": { "en": "Open by default (Latest version only)" } }, { "type": "number", "id": "ics_delay", "default": 0, "label": { "en": "Delay (in ms) before opening by default" } }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "ics_hide_trigger", "default": false, "label": { "en": "Hide the ICS Button (Latest version only)" } }, { "type": "color", "id": "ics_accent_color", "default": "#5956D7", "label": { "en": "Accent color" } }, { "type": "color", "id": "ics_brand_color", "default": "#2C98FB", "label": { "en": "Brand color" } }, { "type": "color", "id": "ics_ambient_color", "default": "#DDDDDD", "label": { "en": "Ambient color (backgrounds, subdued colors, etc)" } }, { "type": "color", "id": "ics_ambient_light_color", "default": "#f8f8f9", "label": { "en": "Light ambient color" } }, { "type": "text", "id": "ics_border_radius", "default": "16px", "label": { "en": "Border radii" } } ], "blocks": [ { "type": "ics_campaign", "name": { "en": "Campaign Settings" }, "limit": 1, "settings": [ { "id": "title", "type": "text", "label": "Label", "info": { "en": "Label this section so you can identify it easier." }, "default": "Campaign Settings" }, { "type": "text", "id": "ics_campaign_id", "label": { "en": "Campaign ID" }, "info": { "en": "The campaign you which to display on your site" } }, { "type": "text", "id": "ics_product_name", "label": { "en": "Product name" }, "info": { "en": "The product you want to advertise. Replaces {{ }}" } }, { "type": "textarea", "id": "ics_page_handles", "default": "*", "label": { "en": "Show on pages" }, "info": { "en": "This campaign will only be shown on the provided pages ('*' means all)" } } ] } ], "presets": [ { "name": { "en": "Integration Settings" }, "category": { "en": "Ice Cream Social" } } ] } {% endschema %} {% stylesheet %} {% endstylesheet %} {% javascript %} {% endjavascript %} |
Now that you’ve completed Step 1 and you’ve got all the code needed for ICS to work on your store, a final bit of configuration is needed to show the widget and load your specific ICS campaign
To get started, you’re first going to need to have your campaign’s ID and your public key on hand. If you’re unsure where to find those, you can consult: Finding Your Campaign ID and Client Public Key
These two values is how ICS knows which campaign to load and grab the settings from.
In this step, we’ll add your campaign ID from earlier to your Shopify ICS settings, this specifies which campaign the widget will load
Adding the post-purchase widget to a Shopify store gives an ICS campaign the ability to capture customer order information and track transactional conversions.
Paste the following script into the Order status page text area:
<script> // window.onIcsLoaded = function() { ICS.init({ version: 'latest', publicKey: 'replace this with your public key', campaignId: 'replace this with your campaign id', data: { accountId: '{{}}', email: '{{}}', name: '{{checkout.customer.first_name}} {{checkout.customer.last_name}}', phoneNumber: '{{}}', orderId: '{{checkout.order_number}}', revenue: '{{ checkout.line_items_subtotal_price | money_without_currency }}', transactionId: '{{transactions[0].receipt.transaction_id}}' }, variables: {}, theme: {}, behavior: { type: 'referral', flavor: 'modal', openByDefault: true, } }); }; </script> <script async defer crossorigin="anonymous" src="" /> |
Change the publicKey
on line 6 and campaignID
on line 7 to your own (See step 2a for instructions on how to find these). Click Save.
Now the widget will load with the specified campaign on the order confirmation page after a customer makes a purchase!
Coming soon!This section will include details about what customization options are available and how to apply them, including both appearance, behavior and data customization |
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