Various parts of the Ice Cream Social referral and tracking flows rely on the use of cookies. The Beta Widget employs a handful of first party cookies with the purpose of enhancing the user experience, tracking invitations, and collecting analytics used to help improve the product.

ICS cookies are prefixed with _ics_ to make them easy to identify, with the exception of the invite cookie used by our older, legacy widget.

We take privacy seriously and never sell or send cookie information to any services outside of Ice Cream Social, nor do we store any sensitive information (like passwords, emails, names, or other PII) as cookies. For more information on how we use cookies in our application, please see our Cookie & Privacy Policy.

Here is a list of the cookies set and monitored during a user’s journey, with descriptions of each:




Set when



  • 30,000,000 s OR

  • after checkout (need to verify this)

Invite String

  • the URL includes an inviteId query param

  • the ICS script is loaded on the page

Strictly used for compatibility with V1 links generated by the legacy widget. This cookie remains for about a year after it is set or until the addTransaction command is fired using the V1 ICS integration. Checking out while this cookie is active allows us to credit the influencer that had sent an invite to this customer to be credited towards their reward goal.


1 day

Invite ID

  • the URL includes an inviteId query param

  • the URL includes a utm_source query param with a value of ice_cream_social

  • the JSSDK is loaded on the page

Main cookie used for crediting an influencer for a conversion. This cookie is only set if the required UTM parameters are included.


1 day

Campaign ID

  • the URL includes a utm_campaign query param

  • the URL includes a utm_source query param with a value of ice_cream_social

  • the JSSDK is loaded on the page

Not actively used, but has been put in place to support future feature development

This cookie is used in the event that a client has multiple campaigns configured for their site. Whatever campaign gets set here will be the “active“ campaign and all rewards will be credited towards the influencers in that campaign.


1 day

Influencer ID

  • the URL includes a utm_medium query param

  • the URL includes a utm_source query param with a value of ice_cream_social

  • the JSSDK is loaded on the page

Not actively used, but has been put in place to support future feature development.

This may be used when individual influencer accounts have the ability to participate in multiple campaigns from multiple clients simultaneously, this will allow the validating of influencers before we credit them




  • the ICS script is loaded on the page

  • the widget is toggled from a hidden state to visible state either automatically or by user interaction

Set for product analytics purposes. This is helpful to figure out how soon users are seeing the widget (if at all) and how long they keep it open. Additionally the timestamp may be used for debugging purposes to provide insight into a timeline of events.




  • the ICS script is loaded on the page

  • the widget is toggled from a visible state to hidden state either automatically or by user interaction

Set for functional and analytics purposes. Tracking when the widget has been dismissed allows us to optimize when the widget is presented in effort to avoid causing unnecessary disruptions to the user while navigating a client’s site. It is also useful for determining how long a user viewed the widget before dismissing it as well as debugging purposes.