1. Setup your ICS account and access the admin
Make sure you have access to the ICS admin at admin-beta.icecreamsocial.io. This is where you’ll create and manage your campaigns, send out rewards, view your influencers and other reports. Once you login for the first time, you’ll be asked to provide some information about your business before you’re able to make your first campaign. Once you finish that process, you’ll have full access to the admin.
If you have trouble logging in, contact your Ice Cream Social account rep and they will help you out.
2. Create a Campaign
After filling our your business information you’ll have full access to the ICS admin, hop over to the campaigns section and create your first campaign by following the instructions provided by the setup wizard.
3. Add the ICS integration script on your site
In the admin, select the campaign your want to add to your site, head over to the Integrations section and you’ll find the available versions of our integrations and their installation scripts. We currently have two main versions available currently, each with a different set of setup instructions.
This is the latest suite of ICS widgets that includes improved link tracking, data and privacy settings and customization, powered by our new JS SDK. Recommended to get the most out of ICS, but dev is ongoing and integration options are still be added.
Want to upgrade?
If you already have the legacy, or v1, widget installed on your site and are interested in upgrading to the new one, information on the process if available here: Upgrading From Legacy Widget
The first version of the ICS widget that relies on cookies and doesn’t fully support GDPR, but is the mostly widely used version right now so it’s stable and currently supports more eCommerce stores, but it won’t receive updates.
4. Configure script and determine optimal placement
Once your script is added to your site,
These articles will help during this step:
Tips for widget placement COMING SOON
5. Verify and test your integration
Once your integration is configured how you want it and installed on the desired pages, you’ll want to make sure it works before you publish your changes on your live site. We’ve put together a quick guide on how to verify your installation and troubleshoot any common setup issues: Testing and troubleshooting your integration COMING SOON