Finding your Campaign ID and Client Public Key

Finding your Campaign ID and Client Public Key

When installing ICS on your site, you need two essential pieces of information to make sure your desired campaign loads:

  • Client public key - A 32-character alphanumeric string unique to each ICS client

  • Campaign ID - An id number assigned to each campaign

Both of these items can be readily found in the ICS admin. First navigate to the campaign you’re interested in using. Once you’re on the campaign page in the admin, you can find the Campaign ID right in the header, under the campaign’s name:

To find your client public key, which will be the same value for all of your campaigns, navigate to the Integrations section on a campaign page. Near the top of this section, your public key will be displayed and can be copied easily:

And that’s it! If you’re installing a widget on your site directly, simply paste both of these items in the script or if using Shopify or another eCommerce platform with an ICS plug-in, paste them in the associated fields.