GDPR Support

GDPR Support

A key difference between the Legacy widget and the Beta widget is that the latter offers enhanced support for GDPR, CPPA and other relevant privacy and data regulations. This is major milestone in satisfying our commitment to respecting customer choice and privacy, which we take very seriously.

During the process to support modern privacy practices, we’ve audited all our data flows and cookie usage, reviewed the third party processors we work with, updated our privacy policies and terms & conditions to remain compliant, and, finally, put in place many features to satisfy the necessities of protecting and servicing your customer data.

Here are few essential features to assist you in your data practice needs:

What is GDPR?

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and UK data protection laws (“UK/EEA Data Laws”) is a set of rules governing the processing of data that merchants must comply with to operate within the EU/UK.

Their purpose is to unify privacy laws and to protect the interests of end users through firm guidelines for businesses and harsh penalties if breached.

If you’re bored, you can find the full text here: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Final text neatly arranged .


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